Vilenky Rios, one of CSF New Hampshire’s Education Freedom Ambassadors, wrote about her family’s experience using the Education Freedom Account (EFA) and Education Tax Credit (ETC) Scholarship programs to homeschool her children.
AS WE all know, the New Hampshire primary is taking place today (Tuesday). What you may not know is that this year’s primary takes place during National School Choice Week (Jan. 21-27), when families and education providers nationwide will celebrate the freedom to choose how and where our children are educated. This is a great opportunity for primary candidates to focus on the role of parents in their children’s education.
My family is a perfect example of how school choice, or education freedom, works. My four children have experienced both public schools and homeschooling, and my husband and I are constantly reminded that one size does not fit all.
Thankfully, we live in New Hampshire, where we have the Education Freedom Account (EFA) Program and Education Tax Credit (ETC) Scholarship Program. Both offer funding for low- and middle-income families to use for K-12 educational expenses, empowering parents to take charge of their children’s education so that each child can find the right learning environment.
Continue reading on the New Hampshire Union Leader’s website.