Felicia Legare-Poirier’s twins Juliana and Jameson were happy in their local preschool programs. However, they discovered at a young age that words were a challenge for Juliana. In fact, she was nonverbal for a while, in addition to reacting to anything sensory. When these challenges persisted, Felicia and her husband decided to get Juliana screened, and she was diagnosed with high-functioning autism. “I had never thought of it, it never crossed my mind. I didn’t realize some of the things she was going through were considered characteristics of autism.”
After buying a house in a town with a school system that wasn’t great, their real estate agent suggested private school, but they didn’t think they could afford it. Felicia then heard about CSF NH through a friend, and applied for the Education Freedom Account Program. At the same time, they took a step of faith and enrolled her children into Tri-City Christian Academy for 1st grade.
“We applied (for the EFA) with CSF, but the scary part is we didn’t hear right away. Tri-City told us not to worry about it. They’re so flexible. They were like ‘whatever you need’. Tri-City has been extremely inclusive. They make a curriculum that fits her needs – better than an IEP. At public school, she was sliding through the cracks because they had labeled her high functioning. At Tri-City, it just took one text to the teacher to let them know she was struggling with spelling. They could truly cater to her needs. Everyone knows both of the twins because the school is so small. Nobody falls through the cracks. You don’t need an IEP meeting or do an assessment to address a situation. It’s about responding to their needs as a human being. We don’t have to fight for the school to meet her needs. Instead they are responding to her in the moment.”
In appreciation of the educational opportunity made available to Juliana (JuJu), and to support autism awareness and acceptance, Felicia is hosting a fundraising raffle throughout the month of April (Autism Awareness Month). Businesses and individuals are generously donating gift cards, products, and services, all of which will be raffled off throughout April. Every ticket purchased will help the Children’s Scholarship Fund NH (https://nh.scholarshipfund.org/) help others like Juliana who was able to obtain an education that is tailored to her specific needs. Learn more about JUJU’S LIGHT at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/987937909559563/