Help a child become a CSF Scholar. Your generous contribution will provide educational opportunities for New Hampshire children in need. You can make a one-time gift or schedule routine contributions (i.e. monthly, quarterly, etc.) through our website – and we are deeply appreciative of each and every gift.
will provide a one year CSF scholarship
will fund a semester of school for a CSF Scholar
will fund a month of school for a CSF Scholar
will fund a week of school for a CSF Scholar
How to Donate
To give securely online by credit card or direct debit, please click the button below.
To make a gift by mail, please send a check or money order to:
Children’s Scholarship Fund New Hampshire
Attn: Kate Baker Demers
180 Loudon Rd.
Concord, NH 03301
Wire Transfer
Gifts can be transferred via domestic or international wire transfer. Please notify our office in advance if you intend to wire funds.
Tribute Gifts
Looking for a new and different way to honor someone? CSF is thrilled to accept gifts made in tribute to a friend or family member on special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays.
Also, consider a contribution to CSF in honor of a teacher, mentor, or family member who helped pave the way to your success, just as CSF scholarships do for children today. An acknowledgement will be provided to share with the person you are honoring.

Memorial Gifts
Making a contribution to CSF in memory of someone is a beautiful way to honor that person and celebrate his or her life. CSF is honored to be included in such tributes as are the children and families we serve. Acknowledgement of your choosing will be provided to share with the loved ones of the person you are remembering.
Planned Giving
Contribute to our future through planned giving. There are many ways to provide for future donations to CSF, including your will. We can work with your attorney or tax advisor to find the giving solution that best meets your needs.
Marketable Securities
Gifts of securities either held by your bank or brokerage or held by you offer significant tax advantages and are easy to make. Please contact us for information about gifts of securities or mutual funds.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or would like to discuss giving options, please contact Kate Baker Demers at (603) 785-0174.