
CSF New Hampshire Donor Spotlight: Rustic Crust and American Flatbread

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CSF New Hampshire Executive Director Kate Baker with Rustic Crust and American Flatbread CEO Brad Sterl at the company’s Pittsfield, NH headquarters.

Rustic Crust and American Flatbread, a Pittsfield company comprised of two brands, Rustic Crust and American Flatbread, producing natural and organic shelf-stable pizza crusts, sauces, pizzas, and flatbreads with all-natural ingredients, is a loyal corporate donor to Children’s Scholarship Fund (CSF) in New Hampshire.

CEO Brad Sterl explains what motivates the company to fund scholarships: “I was one of those kids, and kids just need a chance! They need someone to believe in them and to step up to the plate to be there for them. So many kids are having troubles, whether they are below grade level and struggling or they are gifted and need more challenge. A scholarship can get them the education that they need! That is the key!”

Special thanks to Brad and Rustic Crust and American Flatbread. We at CSF, and the families across New Hampshire who use CSF scholarships, are extremely grateful for your support!

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